Current issues

The latest news and events in design.

Season’s Greetings!

We wish you all a peaceful Christmas and prosperous and sustainable New Year! Image: Anna Savolainen

Circular Design for Business

Do you work in product or service development and are fluent in Finnish? Our free online course will provide you with an understanding of circular economy-based design in just ten hours.

Circular Design for Business webinar

The keynote speaker of the webinar on the 5th of December was Deborah Sumter from the Netherlands. The webinar was bilingual, in Finnish and English.

Finnish design ecosystem

Towards an ecosystem

What does the design industry consist of? Design-intensive companies, design service providers, various professional or support organizations, museums, educational institutions, and media.

Study on the circular design knowledge

Design Forum Finland commissioned a comprehensive study to assess the proficiency in circular design among professionals engaged in product and service development within Finland.

DeCo – Design Collaboration for Sustainable Business

DeCo aims to improve local,regional and national development policies through exchange of experience and capacity building in circular and sustainable design, production and manufacturing.


All events


Christmas in Fiskars Village 2024


Reka Kiraly

Latest news

Aineeton pääoma ja markkinalähtöisyys – kasvun kriittiset kyvykkyydet Suomessa

Aineeton pääomaAsiakasymmärrysBrändi

Kiertotalousoppia kärsimättömille

Circular designKiertotalousMuotoiluosaaminen

Muotoilun avulla rakennetaan kestävää pohjoismaista yhteiskuntaa


Suomen Taideteollisuusyhdistys 149 vuotta

150 vuottaMuotoiluMuotoiluosaaminen

Nordic & Baltic Design Summit 2024

Circular designKiertotalous

Circular Design for Business

Kestävä muotoiluKiertotalousperusteinen muotoiluMuotoiluosaaminen

Kasvua luoville aloille

Luovat alat

Towards sustainable business: DeCo partner meeting

Kestävä muotoiluKiertotalousVastuullisuus

If not us – who? If not now – when?

Liiketoiminnan muotoiluVastuullisuus

No Bullsh*t! – ihanko totta?


Helsinki Design Week lähestyy


Designs for a Cooler Planet

ArkkitehtuuriKestävä muotoiluVastuullisuus



Uusi No Bullsh*t! -podcast


Arvoverkot ympärillämme


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