Nordic Platform to accelerate the Green Transition
- Competitive advantage
- Design
- the green transition
Nordic national organizations of design and architecture are strengthening their cooperation in order to accelerate the Green Transition. The aim is to share information and best practices about how sustainable value creation can be enhanced through design and architecture in the Nordic countries and internationally . The Nordic Platform was officially launched in Copenhagen at the UIA World Congress of Architecture in July 2023.
The aim of the cooperational network is to deepen the understanding of Nordic politicians and decision-makers in the role of design and architecture in the Green Transition in a way that creates sustainability and benefits companies, society and the environment.

The next steps in the cooperation are to chart the existing design and architecture ecosystems of the Nordic countries and to create a joint vision and related actions.
Participating are:
- Danish Design Centre DDC, Denmark
- Danish Architecture Center (DAC), Denmark
- Design Forum Finland, Finland
- Archinfo, Finland
- ArkDes, Sweden’s national centre for architecture and design, Sweden
- Iceland Design and Architecture, Iceland
- Design og arkitektur Norge DOGA, Norway
Valuable feedback have given e.g. the following:
Form/Design Center (Sweden), Sveriges Arkitekter, Stiftelsen Svensk Industridesign SVID, Svensk Form, Association of Finnish Architects SAFA, Finnish Design Info, Norske arkitekters landsforbund NAL, Arkitektforeningen (Denmark), Arkitektforbundet (Denmark) and Danish Design Council.
Photo: When urban planning starts with a garden. Brendeland & Kristoffersen architects has designed an urban space for a yet not exisiting urban area in the City of Lund, Sweden. Photo: Geir Brendeland (crop)