Helsinki Design Week is approaching

As autumn nears, so does the start of the design season. Helsinki Design Week kicks off on Friday, September 6th, bringing a week of design events throughout the city. The program is a rich blend of both familiar favourites and exciting new offerings.

Design Market at the Cable Factory on the weekend of September 7–8, is a must-see. Open Studios tours take you to explore designers’ workspaces and see creatives at work. Design Diplomacy events at foreign embassies are a chance to Finnish and international designers for meeting and chatting. On Friday, September 13th, don’t miss the Pecha Kucha presentations. The highlight of this year’s festival is the unique venue at Paasivuorenkatu 3, a 1980s office building in Hakaniemi, which will host discussions, events, and a design bar from September 11–14.

Since its inception in 2005, Helsinki Design Week has grown into the largest design festival in Scandinavia, organized annually every September by Luovi Productions Oy. More information

Photo: Luovi Productions Oy

Helsinki Design Week
6–15 September 2024